Our team has different fitness levels, does this matter?
Absolutely Not. This is a team event and all competitive levels are welcome regardless if you are elite or just a social group who have never done an event like this before. What matters is getting out there and having fun.
What are the different categories and what are the prizes?
We will have Womens, Mens and Mixed categories. Place getters will get a medal and a team trophy (that you will need to return next year as it is perpetual). We will also have some lucky door prizes.
Do kids run for free in the 1km Kids Race?
Kids aged 16 and under run for free in the 1km race held at the beginning of the day. They will still need to registered via the registration portal.
Can kids run in the main relay race?
Kids aged 10 and over can run as part of a normal relay team. In this situation they are counted as one of the 8 runners. Parents / Guardians are responsible for children at all times and must approve their registration via the registration system.
Can I pay the entry for the whole Team?
We have changed the registration process so that individuals register and pay for themselves (as opposed to Team Captains paying for and setting up a team).
Can the support rider also be a runner?
Yes. The support rider can also be a runner.
When will I get My Race Bib?
We will issue race bibs to Team Captains before the race (at the start line). Each team will have their own distinct number and each runner will also a have their own number. For example bib 06-07 means Team 6, Runner 7. The number of bibs handed out is determined by how many people have been registered in your team (5 runners equals five race bibs).
Can we wear our own Team Colours?
Yes. Infact we encourage it. Most teams have a similar coloured shirt or hat. Others go to the trouble of a team uniform. It is really up to you.
Why are you running it on the Labour Day Weekend?
We initially wanted to run the event later in the year but experienced in 2021 the risk of magpie season ! It was decided to run it earlier in the year and around the Labour Day Long weekend to give people a chance to get away for the weekend if they wanted to and enjoy the wonderful South Burnett region. This time of year also typically marks the start of the cross country season in QLD. What a great way to kick it off than a fun team race !
I want to get a group of friends together but we are all social runners. Is this ok?
Yes. Entry is open to everyone. Many teams just do it for fun with a goal of just finishing. Sure, there will be teams that will be out to win. The great thing is that all levels are welcome and we have structured the event in stages to ensure teams finish around the same time.
I don’t have a full team of 8, can we still enter?
Yes. The minimum size for a team is 5.
We can only get 4 (or less) runners in our team can we still run?
We strongly encourage you to do your best and get the extra runner(s) even if they only run the 400m leg. Regardless of if you are stuck (eg someone pulls out at the last minute) you can still enter and compete however you will not be eligible for a place in the team rankings or the QLD Road Relay Championships. Your time will still be recorded and published but you will be marked as a non-compliant team.
Can Team Captains decide who runs what legs and how many legs each runner runs?
Yes. Team Captains have complete flexibility with who runs what leg. A runner can run just 1 leg or they can run many more. Each person of the team however must run at least one leg unless they are deemed injured and this is accepted by the Race Director.
What defines a mixed team?
A Mixed team is defined as having one or more members of the opposite sex. Eg 5 females and 1 male (if the team size is 6), 7 males and 1 female (if the team size is 8) etc
Do I need To Separately register with Queensland Athletics?
No. Anyone can join a team as this year we have separate event insurance (included in the price) coving those who are not members of a QA or QRUN Club.
What makes our team Eligible for the QLD Road Relay Championships?
All teams will be eligible for the championship. Your entry fee includes social membership to the Ashgrove Rangers Athletic Club (if you are not already a QRUN or QA Club member of another club) which means everyone is covered.
Do I have to pay for Lunch this year?
Yes. Based on feedback we have not included the BBQ in the base cost of a ticket. You can however purchase a burger and drink ticket via the registration system or on the day with card/cash.
Will the end of race BBQ support my dietary requirements?
We will do our best. Please outline your dietary requirements via the registration form and we will pass this on to the provider.
How do Teams move Between Check Points?
Your team will need to organise its own transport between checkpoints. We ask that teams have no more than 2 vehicles between them to reduce congestion (if you can).
Do we have to provide our own Bike and support rider?
Yes. Teams are responsible for transporting their own bike(s) to the event and providing someone to be the support riders. Teams elect to either have a dedicated person(s) who is happy to do it or they swap the role between team members who are not running. We do recommend you swap riders around to give people a break.
Why do we need to have a Support Rider and what do they need to Carry with them?
While the rail trail is well marked and sealed, it is still in a remote location and runners will naturally be spread across the course. The support rider is there to provide immediate medical assistance and raise the alarm if needed. The support rider is required to carry spare water, a mobile phone and a medical kit. We will provide more information in the Race Brief (which will be sent out via email prior to the event date). The other key advantage of the support rider is of course to encourage their runners along !
Do you cover insurance?
Yes. Your ticket price includes all insurances required to run the event including personal injury insurance.
Where can I see a copy of the race rules?
Our race rules can be found here – Race Rules – South Burnett Express. We will also email out the race rules to participants at least a week or so before the race event.
Why is the race in two phases with a break in between?
The purpose is reduce the spread of teams across the course and have teams finish closer together.
If the Event gets cancelled for any reason what is the alternative date?
The likelihood of the event being cancelled is very low (eg due to an extreme weather event etc), however if it does happen we would look to either running the event later in the year at a date TBC. Your ticket will be transferred automatically. Please see our terms and conditions for our refund policy.
When will I pick up the merch I have purchased?
You will be able to pickup all Mech on the race day.
I can’t make it now, Can I swap my registration with someone Else?
Yes. You will be able to transfer your registration to another person if you are unable to make it. Please coordination this via the registration system. If you have any issues doing this please contract us and we will help you out.
Can my dog run with me during the Race?
In 2023 we will allow runners to run with their dog if they would like to (as a trial). The following conditions apply a) Dog owners are responsible for their dog at all times b) where possible dogs are to kept separate from other runners, bikes and spectators c) dogs must be on a leash at all times. These rules align with those in place for Park Run and will ensure the safety of all concerned (including the dogs!).
Can you provide more information about the All teams dinner?
This year we will be holding it at the Commercial Hotel, Kingaroy – Saturday 29th Apr. Kick off is at 5.30pm. You can buy your own meal and drink there. Please however register your rsvp via the registration portal as we have limited space. There will be a short presentation around 7pm and we will have some lucky door prizes. Its a great way to come together and meet others. We are all a social bunch and everyone, including your support crew, is welcome.
We have an All Male / Female Team can our Support Rider(s) be of the opposite Sex? (for example, we have a Female Team and our Supporter Rider is Male)
Yes. You have complete flexibility with who you have as your support rider(s).
Who decides which runners run each leg?
It is up to the Team Captain. They decide who runs each leg in their team. Most work out a schedule well before the event and work to runner’s strengths. Team Captains also have flexibility to change runners around on the day. The key thing is that each runner of the Team must run at least one leg each and one leg at a time.
What are the Tactics of the Race
There is no straight answer. Some teams will put their fastest runners up first to get a good time into Wondai, others will mix it up and put their fastest runners on at the end to chase down teams ahead of them. Others bring in dedicated sprinters for the 400m legs, others don’t bother as they make up the time with their long distance runners. One thing is for certain is that teams seem to put their strongest runners on for the leg out of Wondai. Its 7.8km with a gentle uphill gradient and is enough to test the muster of anyone – especially if it is a warm day.
Can the runner of the 400m leg keep going from Wooroolin to Tingoora?
No. The 400m leg is like all other legs and the runner must tag the next runner.
If runners are not Running across the Bunya Highway how do the Support Riders Cross?
We do not allow runners to run across the highway as part of the race for safety reasons (a marshal will raise their hand to start the runner off who will be waiting on the other side of the highway). Support riders are not racing and they will cross in their own time and when it is safe to do so. This is the same for spectators etc. The speed limit is 60km and we place out “Runners Ahead” signs to warn drivers of the race.
Do Support riders need to be registered?
Yes. Please go to the registration page and click on the volunteer link. If a Support Rider is also registered as a runner they don’t need to register again as a volunteer. There is no cost to register as a volunteer.